Be naked and enjoy your life

Naturism / Nudist groupsChristian naturismDiscovery
Sensual massages/ Roleplay : the master/  

Your intimate desires  /  The owner belongs to you

Specify your wishes in the "Comment" section at the bottom of the page


Terrasse nat

We were born naked and being naked is our true natural state. 

Nudity allows closer contact with others. By sharing our nudities, we give ourselves to each other.
Hugs  are
 a sign of friendship with others.  Just be free.


Course nu

Naturist group stay (6 people max). The house can be pivatised, but I am present.


Oups 1 1

Naturist massage option. This massage is not therapeutic but sensual, caressing. It is done on a bed, in a semi-darkness, with essential oils. It is a full body massage, and I mass with all parts of my own body.



Discovery option. The first time, you may be intimidated to get naked in front of others. That’s why everyone has a bathrobe to cover their nudity. You can open it at the right moment, then remove it and be comfortable with nudity.


Naturism and Christian faith. God created and wanted us naked. He loves us naked. Naturism makes us love the body we received.
Praying naked brings peace and relaxation to our mind and makes us attentive to recognize in the body of others their inner beauty.
Praying naked together makes love to others easier, as a natural conseq
uence of our common prayer time. In short, naturism will improve yous spiritual live.
As each year, priests and monks are welcome.


Role-Playing option - Decision-maker: someone is the Master, and decides everything without exception, the other obeys (except financial field). ( 20 € the 1/2 day. )




Desire and pleasure

Maybe you have some desires, fantasies or taboos. Let us speak about them : you are free to live without any limit !

Your pleasure is my pleasure.

Dare your desires




Book-me option (new option requested by some people). Since your pleasure is my pleasure, you can book myself for your service in everything. You demand me my all time, my car, my services,  you can want that I sleep with you, and my body is yours. You will dictate your will to me, I will obey.

Book me by email or by the "Commentaires" at the end of this pafe .





Informations : +33 6 16 48 21 56 or  

Nu arc

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  • Oliver Wilke

    1 Oliver Wilke Le 25/04/2024

    My pleasure is your pleasure ? Without any taboo ? Really ? Oh yes, I want to experiment so many taboos... Please let us exchange with whatsapp or meet

    heberge-nu Le 25/04/2024

    Of course, I am available for that. My phone number is +33 6 16 48 21 56 and my email :

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